Wooo, that’s super cool. Do I have any tags? Tell me tell me. Make a pink one
Tho these tags are shared yes? Imagine shared community built tags like some yelp reviews of people. Actually that’s a terrible idea so it will probably happen.
Augmented Reality Community Driven People Scoring System.
I don’t talk to anyone lower than 7 or who was marked by users as <opposite political party>
Better yet. Automatically ban anyone with lower than 5
Ugh too much coffee, too many stimulants
Still it sucks so that’s probably the future. you can’t even opt out because even if you don’t have the AR glasses everyone else has.
The only hope for the future is to be a hacker. Achieve a cozy AI-proof job as a security expert and use the skills to enhance your life. If you are able to find new exploits that will always be valuable skill netting cash one white hat way or black hat another and rather hard to replicate for LLMs which excel at repetitive patterns. So whether you are making wannacry 2.0 or blackmailing companies into hiring you I think this is relatively future proof area.
Yeah… I guess stimulants today were truly stimulating looking by the white hot intensity of my comments lol
ommgg, they are unreadable, so exhausting to even look at