8 days agoGoogle Assistant on Android and Home devices gets markedly worse as time goes on. My Google Home can barely even figure out how to turn on lights anymore. Things that used to be amazing have devolved into “I don’t understand”.
It’s really quite shocking and hurts a little bit because it feels like everything in the world is degrading and decomposing like in some dystopian novel or something.
How can such amazing technology get worse? Is it really just “we can’t make money off this”?
It definitely made me want to like Earl Grey. It’s just not my jam though. It even made me start trying all the different teas I could find because I wanted to be cultured enough to have a preferred tea. I even tried Lapsang Souchong which is basically barbecue tea.
Turns out tea is pretty easy to drink and I’m pretty basic. Oolong, black, or green are great.