Huh I hear the same word used occasionally in english. I wonder if that’s regional or not.
Huh I hear the same word used occasionally in english. I wonder if that’s regional or not.
Huh I thought a galette was more like a tart.
I pug all my FFXIV content.
Was trying out Voyager and Thunder yesterday. Thunder seems like the winner to me. Voyager’s appearance isn’t customizable enough for my tastes. I am not a gesture person (I prefer to turn swipe actions for posts and comments off entirely) and really need more tappable things for Voyager to work for me.
One thing I would like in thunder is the ability to hide more of the interface when replying to comments. I have large thumbs and in landscape mode (which I type in exclusively) the button bar takes up a lot of space that could be better used for seeing my typed text and the comment I’m replying to.
I think in the US it’s synonymous with pancakes mostly but it may refer to more old-fashioned, rugged, whole wheat ones that are a bit thicker than most modern pancakes. It’s definitely a bit ambiguous though. Whatever you linked to is definitely not something I’ve ever seen or heard of in the US though. Edit: I’ll also mention I’m not sure what golden syrup is. We have stuff like karo or molasses as baking ingredients, or various maple or maple-ish syrups that typically top pancakes.
I think it will probably vary regionally. Diners and breakfast places often have lots of variations. A couple others I thought of are griddle cakes (old-fashioned pancakes) and saddlebags (which are pancakes mixed with meat and other stuff). I’ve seen stuff like yeast-raised whole wheat pancakes (which I don’t know if they have a particular name). I could also name a few places where you could get things like okonomiyaki or scallion pancakes in my city. Those super thick Japanese-style pancakes also seem to be kind of trendy. America is a big place and there’s lots of food variety.
Well in America we have pancakes, flapjacks, Dutch babies, crepes, Johnny cakes, and probably other things I’m forgetting about that are pancake-adjacent.
I think if you’re gonna charge people fees then it should be regularly maintained. Big reason I’m done with sync.
Step 1: install linux
Step 2: google everything you don’t know how to do
I tried to think of a name. Then I thought of this.