A plane can’t stop flying without hitting the ground
Totally unrelated to the thread, but this reminded me of Special To Hollywood, a really interesting short radio play from the 40s, about a plane that mysteriously becomes suspended in the air while the passengers and crew freak out trying to comprehend what’s happening. It’s a sort of surrealist horror story that I think was actually pretty ahead of its time.
Somehow, as a kid I ended up with a collection of cassette tapes of these Lights Out radio shows. They were all pretty basic, Twilight Zone-y stories, but this one always stood out to me. You made me remember that, so I just wanted to share this weird little story.
Rick & Morty for me. I thought it’s a funny show, at least the first couple seasons I watched of it. I stopped watching it because of how obnoxious the fans are, actually ruining the show for me. It got to a point where I’d watch an episode, hear a joke get repeated, and think to myself “Oh great, this will be the line that I hear everybody saying for the next six months”, to the extent that I get distracted by my own annoyance. Now I have this mental association with the show and the fans and I just can’t stand to watch it anymore.
This was all before the shit with Roiland came out, for what it’s worth. But that’s another reason I struggle to enjoy the show anymore.