The hurdle to this kind of fast charging isn’t the tech in the car nor is it the tech in the charger. It’s powering the fucking things.
A charging station the size of a small gas station that can handle a dozen cars at once, basically 6 islands with a pump / charger on each side, would require a nuclear reactor sitting out back to supply the required 1.2 Megawatts of power!
So we’re either going to have to get comfy with having an SMR sitting next to every charging station or we’re going to have to get over this idea of charging an EV pack in 5 minutes.
If you truly have an “MS” then it should be trivial for you to do the math and calculate the power requirements of even a dozen cars being charged at the rate of 1 Megawatt each.
A bare 12 chargers, the equivalent of a single small gas station, would certainly collapse the grid its attached to. These kinds of charging rates aren’t possible outside the parking lot of a power plant.