look at the other reply from psi, trying to paint tesla owners as part of us poor workin class folk.
Its fuckin nuttier than squirrel turds.
look at the other reply from psi, trying to paint tesla owners as part of us poor workin class folk.
Its fuckin nuttier than squirrel turds.
Teslas are for the poor blue collar workin class folk, huh?
Is that what you want to think of yourself as?
Thats some serious “you say we should improve society? yet you participate in society, Curious!” energy in that post right there.
Even going all the way back to paypal, Musk has been a piece of shit. a very obvious, public piece of shit.
Fanboys are in a panic and trying to change history and their blind support of him thanks to the nazism coming out full bore in a way that cant be dismissed/handwaved/excused
everything you say to your echo/alexa has always been sent to amazon.
theres literally been leaks proving it.
Yes yes, I’m sure thats what everyone that bought into his saviour of humanity bullshit 20 years ago with his electric cars and rockets is gonna say.
Because the alternative is admitting wrong, and god forbid anyone do that. Why do that when you can blindly leap into the low hanging trap of my username.
yep. They rested on their laurels, thinking their success of being first would always be success.
and now the big automakers have their own electric cars, that are properly built, and damn cheap compared to tesla prices.
and the first tesla musk had any design input on was the cybertruck, which is nothing more than the fever dream of an edgy emotionally stunted 13 year old, and built to about the same quality as you would expect from one
Boo hoo, don’t care. Hope they all lose their asses.
especially the assholes that slap “I bought it before we knew Elon was an ass” style stickers on their cars.
Musk has always been a miserable piece of shit. You just turned a blind eye to it because you wanted to hero worship a emotionally stunted perpetually 13 year old troglodyte, until you couldnt anymore.
3 one minute long adds are better than those 2 hour long prageru racist propaganda videos trying to masquerade as “Educational” content
Im old enough to remember the internet before ads, and with ads became a thing and you had to make sure to keep your speakers low/off all the time less some screaming loud ad popped up somewhere to burst your eardrums at 2am.
There were so many obnoxious, visual cancer ads.
Then they became actual digital cancer by being injection points for viruses and malware, and thus adblockers became a necessity.
And they remain a necessity to this day, for the same reason as they were 20+ years ago.
and yet the ad servers want to blame the end user for adblocking.
not their absolute refusal to moderate or police any of the content they deliver.
don’t underestimate how lazy and stupid even the smartest person can be.
its infuriating being a person who remembers history in the world of social media where people make up history on the spot to justify and protect themselves.