So background, my kid has seizures often. He is currently on 5 different medications to try to control it(plus 1 for sleeping and 1 for his liver enzymes) plus severe non verbal autism so he can’t tell us if he already had his meds. Currently when it’s medication time, it’s always “did you give him his meds yet?” and we have no way of tracking how many seizures he actually has besides “alot more recently” or “it’s gone down recently”. Yes he had multiple doctors and this is NOT a post looking for health advice.
I am creating an app for phones(c# Maui) which will send json objects to a api to store/retrieve data in a database(when he last had medication x, when he has a seizure etc). It will probably only be used with in my family, maybe 20 entries a day on a really bad day(7 medications twice daily + 6 seizures to give a round number) but should be less then 10 transactions(most medications given at same time).
What’s the cheapest/easiest was I can host something like this? I do not have a static ip. Yes it’s health information but I’m only storing first names and tracking time of events, not too worried about hippa like security.
I have a very similar situation: a cat with a severe kidney disability, meds 5 times a day with at least 2h between each. We’ve been using a whiteboard but I am currently setting a smarter solution. My WIP setup is a raspberry pi with a static IP on my local network and a FastAPI app. This way I can also do a household to-do lists (did anybody watered plants recently?) and add connection to local smart lights (effects if meds could not be given with 2h interval before our usual go-to-bed time), etc.
It would only work for us since it is a household only solution. Our cats do not travel anywhere and I do not currently need to check for these todos when not at home. It may be different for you. Good luck OP, hope you will find something that suits you.
Google Sheets will be a simple solution you can do for free.
The app “Track & Graph” is another.
I have been logging all my medical events using Tasker and a Google Calendar. Analysis is manual using graphviz.
This is c/selfhosted
The boundary of where to host what, is not fixed. You cannot host the internet at home. Where people sit on the spectrum varies depending on skill, resources and need.
I highlighted several options that provide a solution for someone with limited skills and resources.
You could host a CALDAV server or a next cloud at home and use the suggestions I provided, or you could use those hosted by someone else.
My answer was to provide ideas, not a how-to guide, answering, in my opinion, exactly what OP was looking for.
That it doesn’t match your idea about solving the problem tells you that there are many ways to solve software problems. My suggestions had a low barrier to entry.
What’s your recommendation for OP?