What I don’t get is HOW people shops on Amazon, their search engine is the shittiest I’ve seen in a long time: “you searched for AMD RX1234 video card; here is a RX1235, a RX1024, and another one from a completely different brand! People also searched for other that is maybe related to that”
People are looking for “king sized sheets” of “paper towel holder” not gtx4070ti super from gigabyte or esp32 chipset bullshit is how. Most people are getting basic shit, not trying to get around Newegg or a PC parts supplier.
People looks also for those, they wouldn’t have a “Cyber” event specifically for that otherwise; anyway it shouldn’t be hard, in 2025, for one of the biggest online shops, to have an internal search engine capable of discerning one product from another.
What I don’t get is HOW people shops on Amazon, their search engine is the shittiest I’ve seen in a long time: “you searched for AMD RX1234 video card; here is a RX1235, a RX1024, and another one from a completely different brand! People also searched for other that is maybe related to that”
People are looking for “king sized sheets” of “paper towel holder” not gtx4070ti super from gigabyte or esp32 chipset bullshit is how. Most people are getting basic shit, not trying to get around Newegg or a PC parts supplier.
That’s not a real sharp take tbf.
People looks also for those, they wouldn’t have a “Cyber” event specifically for that otherwise; anyway it shouldn’t be hard, in 2025, for one of the biggest online shops, to have an internal search engine capable of discerning one product from another.