That’s all.

EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:

Fuck Microsoft

    4 months ago

    Just for context, I’m an experienced software engineer with years of experience with both C++ and C#, as well as several others, including Rust. You can do shallow and deep copies in C# as well, it’s done extremely infrequently because it’s usually a bit of a code smell and it has some downsides - it’s inefficient both for performance and for memory.

    In C# the assignment operator will copy the value if it’s a value type (structs and primitives) and copy the reference if it’s a reference type (classes). It does that because it’s a garbage collected language and it needs to track how memory is referenced and so on.

    The whole debate about what languages are better is honestly a bit silly, IMO. C, C++, Python, C#, Javascript, Rust, they all serve their purpose, they have their strengths and weaknesses.

      4 months ago

      Now you are doing it again, you just say generic sensible stuff strawman way.

      Like yeah I know about “the assignment operator” and it’s still shitty you can’t decide what it’s copying. You explaining how it works doesn’t make it better lol!

      You are also blatantly wrong, there is absolutely no reason to not let you copy a class or pass an int as a ref “because of the garbage collector”, if you want to make a language having these functionalities there is nothing preventing it to be done correctly.

      Also c# is an inefficient language to begin with, not letting the user do as he pleases is just dumbing things down, nothing to do with efficiency.

      Also, we all have tons of experience (5 years xp isn’t experienced btw) no need to go get your diploma :-)

      And another straw man, when did I say that a language is better than another? Never did I do that, but I guess you are not happy with all your arguments geting shot down.

      C# is a crap language, if you are forced to use it like at work, or if you don’t want to learn another one, use it!

      But you can’t polish a turd.

        3 days ago

        to not let you copy a class or pass an int as a ref

        There’s a ref keyword to pass references to ints.

        I find it hard to follow most of what you’re saying. Can you explain why passing an int var by ref does not satisfy your “pass an int as a ref”?