• PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    But a human can’t look at a painting for a millisecond and spit out an exact replica in the next. A human can’t listen to the collected works of a musical artist and instantly improvise infinite sound-a-like songs based on complex prompts. A human can’t read every scientific article on the Internet in a few seconds and regurgitate any and every tiny trivial detail on demand in the literal blink of an eye. A human being has a soul. Most do anyway.

    For the record, I didn’t downvote you, but I’m guessing others did because you don’t seem to see how AI so obviously devalues the beautiful and brilliant efforts of the human spirit to build and sustain our cultures, our societies, our civilizations, our species, our very world. In the capitalist hellscape that we currently suffer in, that kind of devaluing ought to be criminal.

    • isableandaking@lemmy.world
      8 hours ago

      Not targetting you specifically, but I guess AI is going to be a hard subject in the future.

      Think of it as an expert in all other areas and you spend a year teaching it to be a better expert and so on. It’s just humanity’s digital baby that we are teaching based on our current knowledge, technology, art, values, morals, etc. - and it’s just much better than you or me at learning so it’s becoming an expert in everything, thus as you expect from an expert it’s able to draw, it’s able to replicate style’s of music, it’s able to think through complex math/physics/chem/biology problems as a human expert might be able to. Yet it has fatal flaws that need fixing, thus needs better training methods and more time - they are saying 2029 for AGI which is the first step. At that point it won’t be up to you or me to decide as it will be a new living form that we will have to acknowledge and let it decide for itself what it wants or doesn’t want to do.

      I guess my point is it seems like it’s devaluing stuff, but is in fact elevating everything that we were, we are and will be - that’s why I’m saying it should be owned by all of us, we should all get the benefits. If a painter wants to draw something, they can use AI to draw faster, with more variations at a speed impossible before, you can make new styles, you can make it use just your own style, you save time and can create more complex works because of that. Real world paintings made by humans the old school way will always have a place, my thoughts are that they will even gain an exclusive status and be worth even more with proof of creation.

      Not saying things are not bad right now, but what if AI is the path forward, like technology always has been - what if it helps cure all diseases past and future, what if it figures out how to make us immortal, what if we can travel instantenously from 1 place in the universe to another, imagine the possibilities that it will open to us. I think it’s inevitable really.