Blam, here is the full size version!
Yes you absolutely may use it in anyway you want, apart from commercial work (without asking).
I’ll see if I have a larger version of that photo when I get home!
I am an IT guy and a hobby photographer, judge for yourself:
In a perfect world where stuff never breaks?
But we clearly don’t live in that world, so no.
So far I have yet to hear about another car maker making a car that locks the doors in a fail deadly way, or another car manufacturer that requires dismantling the interior to get to the emergency door opener…
Then you have the Cybertruck, a vehicle so insanely dumb that only a ketamine fueled bender with a group of yes men could have created it, I mean it can’t really be used or the finnish is runied.
That is just not comparable to other car makers.
I drive a 2021 Seat Leon PHEV, I like it, but I am no fanboy for Seat or any other VAG brand, we don’t need fanboys, we need critical thinking, and if a cars doors was reported to fail deadly, I would not buy that car, regardless of how excellent it may otherwise be.
Timebombs in Windows 2000?
Talk about hyperbole…
Google Maps is over!
No, the integration in the search results when searching the web might be gone, but you can still go to and find what you need.
This is not a significant shift with how we are interacting with Google, it is a minor change.
Calm down.
The way I see stuff like this is that you don’t have to hand over your information on a silver platter directly to the agents.
Like when a trainload of east germans was allowed to migrate to the west through a separate country, they just had to hand their passports to the Stasi before being let go.
When the Stasi agents came to the train to collect the passports the east germans just threw them on the floor instead of handing them over, that is kinda how this should be viewed.