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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024

  • Its an Anarchist thing, you wouldn’t get it.

    Super simple version?

    Violence is defined by the state in such a way that it binds the actions of its subjects, but exempts the actions of itself/its agents.

    Look up ‘systemic violence’ or ‘stochastic terrorism’ and you can begin to see how it becomes harder to draw very clear lines than you seem to think is.

    Lets go with your definition that violence includes acts against property.

    Ok… are… taxes violence?

    Is it violent to threaten you with immediate arrest if found operating a car without a valid liscense?

    Howabout valid insurance?

    Is civil asset forfeiture violence?

    Is emminent domain violence?

    Howabout clearing a homeless encampment, destroying all their belongings?

    Is that violent?

    Is it violent to, either intentionally or unintentionally… crash the stock market and knock about 20% off of the value of 401ks of the majority of the population?

    Reminder that involuntary assault and involuntary murder / manslaughter… are violent crimes.

    … The most basic definition of what a State is, is “a formalized group that has the ‘legitimate’ monopoly of the use of force (violence) within a defined geographic area.”

  • Yes, that is basically what I am doing.

    Was that not clear?

    I am attempting to point out the given definition of terrorism is quite broad, and easily interpreted subjectively depending on your biases.

    Burn down a Tesla dealership?


    Boston Tea Party?


    Jan 6th?


    Bay of Pigs Invasion?

    Terrorism, more technically ‘State Terrorism’.

    Many, many acts of resistance groups in German occupied Europe during WW2?

    Also Terrorism.

    Order an extrajudicial assasination? Order or carry out mass arrests without proper warrants or authority?

    Plant false evidence or fabricate some kind of ‘suspicious behavior’ to justify an arrest or detainment or use of force or conviction, motivated by a political/religious/ethic/etc bias?

    Again, Terrorism, though more specifically that is ‘State Terrorism’.

    Saying “I am going to kill [very important political figure]”?


    Pilot a ship on the sea to harass dragnet fishing boats or whalers?


    Any protest group that has ‘illegally’ gathered in an area or building without a permit, where a single person threw a punch or resisted arrest?

    Again, also terrorism.

    … All of these things either are or could easily be interpreted to be both violent and criminal acts, with either a motivation or desired effect being biased toward some specific group of people.


    You may note that precisely defining terrorism is actually somewhat difficult, as indicated by the wide range of different definitions used by different groups and at different times, and is actually the subject of a whole lot of academic and legal debate and disagreement, with slight but very significant differences over time and place/jurisdiction.

  • Yep.

    Its ‘federated’ as long as you ignore a single massive chokepoint controlled by one company that allows them to block/ban/censor users of any part of the system.

    So functionally, their ‘federation’ system is actually just a false marketing/propoganda campaign that may also result in crowd sourcing some server costs.

    It’s psuedo-federation, along the lines of a psuedo-historian or psuedo-scientist: They pretend to be something they are not, in such a way that makes them seem trustworthy when they are in fact not.