You probably don’t need a UPS especially if it is more than a small fraction of the budget.
Use a modern filesystem like ZFS and you will be fine.
Caddy automatically generates certs
You do not want port 80. For 80 is http which is totally unencrypted and unauthenticated.
What you want instead is 443 or better yet, 443 behind a VPN.
For Let’s encrypt not to work you will need 80 open for Caddy though
Can you post a benchmark to confirm?
Rootless podman means that it is less likely to bork the system. It is also nice to have per user containers.
Another benefit is that you can run podman in a service user. This makes sandboxing much easier.
I wouldn’t run a node unless you know what you are doing.
Instead, install the snowflake browser extension
That’s your problem. You need enterprise drives to do faster speeds
Sell them and buy something newer
Seriously though the going rate for old hardware isn’t that different from the newer stuff. Try price matching 3rd gen to 6th or 7th gen.
Instead of paying for a raspberry Pi you could just get a OpenWRT device. You can get the router equivalent of a rust bucket since chances are you are not using the Wireless portion anyway.
Linux doesn’t have drivers like Windows does. The kernel either supports the hardware or it doesn’t.
Better to use iostat
zpool iostat
What’s the benchmark on the disks? Are these SAS drives?
Why wouldn’t you just use DNS on your router
I would do a single instance of Pihole. If you need HA there are ways to do that. If you need something more switch to a proper DNS service.
It wasn’t refactored. It was totally rewritten
That doesn’t mean it is actually good though
What’s the config file look like?
resolv.conf is usually set by systemd network manager. You should change the setting in /etc/systemd/… (Idk I forgot the full path)
I’ve never had an issue personally. Actually repeated power loss is one of my tests when I make changes to my setup. Repeated power loss quickly reveals issues with startup and fail migration.