We’re pretty neat I like to think
We’re pretty neat I like to think
There you go putting words in my mouth again
Not defending Apple. I’m a Linux user. Apple can generally go fuck itself. Try again.
Oh ffs no one knows anything about the future so let’s go pick apart literally any prediction you’ve ever made with any certainty if we’re going to be pedantic shits about it.
Let’s get prescriptive then since you’re such an ass:
It is reasonable to assume based on the way Apple implements ads at this stage that Apple will not implement ads the way we are seeing Roku roll them out in the post we are commenting on for the foreseeable future barring a major departure from how Apple does business, so for now one is probably safe to use Apple TV without fear of seeing this very obtrusive and obnoxious implementation of ads replicated on their Apple TV system.
Are you satisfied? Can we move on? Jfc you’re obnoxious. I don’t know why you’re pretending you don’t understand what I am saying. Go touch grass. Interact with people. Clearly you’ve lost the ability to infer or interpret basic sentences. Some people hate Apple so much it rots their brain i swear.
Ha dig it. Could see that really hitting in certain context
Dude I’ve clarified exactly what I meant. At some point you need to stop telling me what I said and listen to me when I tell you what I said.
I did nothing of the sort. You’re projecting all sorts of stuff onto what I said. I said they would not inject ads like this. In this insanely intrusive manner or as a flagrant rug pull. That’s not how they operate.
Didn’t say Apple doesn’t have ads
Apple has absolutely no interest in injecting ads like this. That’s not their business model. Apple has a thousand things wrong but it’s reasonable to assume they aren’t going to pull this kind of rug pull.
Pronoun jokes are almost never funny, especially in the current political environment. Especially if cishet folks are making them. The exceptions are few and far between.
You’re splitting hairs. You know what I am saying. It is unusual. I don’t need a lesson in the word “most” thank you. If you’d like to have a real discussion please leave the patronizing explanations out of it.
You’ve also got it backwards. The assumption should be that this is bullshit and that it is possible it happened. Not the other way around.
WFH is superior for a lot of jobs yes. We don’t need all these office buildings. We don’t all need to commute.
I was offered $300 for my Reddit account once lmao
I’m not a registered democrat nor do I hold love for the party. How we feel about them is irrelevant. My previous comment is accurate.
You are also the first person to mention the Democrats. I said leftists aren’t in positions of power and liberals are.
I made an argument you’re just too dug in to accept anything other than a filmed interview with the MAGAt in question.
I’ve dodged nothing. I’ve clearly explained my reasoning in multiple comment threads. You just don’t like it. That’s fine but let’s not pretend I’ve dodged just because you can’t fathom someone disagrees with you.
ok…so why do I need to repeat myself…? You’re literally advocating against the thing you’re asking me to do.
Let’s also cut the bullshit and not pretend like you already knew that. You came up with this as a clever quip after you realized I’ve already talked about it. Can we please stop it with the childish games? Make your point or fuck off.
odds are good something like this did happen somewhere
I heard very similar responses when conservatives were shown that Haitians were not eating dogs in Ohio.
I have addressed this point several times across several comments. Surely you’ve seen it.
Actually the burden of proof not necessarily always on the one who made the claim. But it is on the person who has the less credible claim.
I don’t need to prove it’s false. I just need to demonstrate that, taken at face value, the more prudent thing to do is assume this post is at least partially made up. And given the details of it, the most likely scenario is that the story is not 100% true.
…are you really the same person who wrote the previous comment…?