The Internet archive is like the digital equivalent of the Svalbard Global seed vault.
The truth is stored on their harddisks. But the truth may become very illegal very soon.
They better move the whole thing out of Usa now.
I love the IA but they need to be infinitely more decentralized like yesterday
And funded by who?
It’s nice to say that it should be decentralized, but who is funding the development of that? Are you donating to IA?
TBH this is an important enough resource the UN should fund it.
They won’t but they should.
I mean, yeah like another user said, ideally it would be in the interest of groups which allege to have am interest in some form of democracy. But additionally, the ability to set up browsable partial mirrors which could be hosted by miscellaneous nonprofits and individuals both within and outside of the US would be a massive first step to preserving the information that IA stores. The fact that attacks on their servers can eradicate all access to the information they store is troubling given how many enemies they’ve made simply through the work they do.
The actual volume of data is kind of insane for distribution. You start running into many scale problems.
At ~70PB of storage, assumed redundant as well. And at ~$15/TB JUST for HDDs alone, you’re talking $2.1 million in just hard drives.
Installation, hardware, and facility costs will at least pentuple that number, if we’re being crazy conservative. Making the cost to stand up an archive $10.5 million?
During this process I found out that their finances are public and there is more reliable information out there:
- $2/GB for permanent storage, overall ( $2000/TB)
The cost to store the data and run the archive is a whopping $36mill/y at the moment.
Which if you consider what they do is incredibly cheap. And easily fundable by even a small municipality never mind a large Nation.
It would be interesting to have encrypted blobs scattered around volunteer computers/servers, like a storage version of BOINC / @HOME.
People tend to have dramatically less spare storage space than space compute time though and it would need to be very redundant to be guaranteed not to lose data.
Well, not to Europe. They’ve always been illegal here. I don’t know where they could even go.
They’re illegal in Europe? Could you elaborate a bit on that?
In practice, copyright would be the big problem. There is no Fair Use in Europe. There is no difference between what they do and Anna’s Archive or LibGen. As far as copyright people are concerned, this is just “theft” on a gigantic scale.
Then there’s the GDPR. As far as the EU is concerned, this is one huge human rights violation. The GDPR does allow for archives, but figuring out how the IA should operate would take some litigation. I doubt they would be allowed to provide the Wayback Machine.
Gotcha. Thanks for explaining it. I’m in the US so I was really curious on what was different in the EU that would cause problems for them
Is there a way we can help? E.g torrent seeding of the content?
The ArchiveTeam Warrior is a virtual archiving appliance. You can run it to help with the ArchiveTeam archiving efforts. It will download sites and upload them to our archive — and it’s really easy to do!
The warrior is a virtual machine, so there is no risk to your computer. The warrior will only use your bandwidth and some of your disk space.
The warrior runs on Windows, OS X and Linux. You’ll need VirtualBox (recommended), VMware or a similar program to run the virtual machine.
I wonder if I can run a resource-constrained instance of this on esxi… something to look into this weekend, thank you.
It barely uses any resources. You can have up to 6 active jobs and most of the time you’ll be waiting for an upload slot to open up so you can get one of your 6 uploaded.
You can just set it and forget it unless you have a bandwidth cap and set it on a video site.
That’s the whole reason it’s 100TB uploaded…
They push the VM images, but there’s a Docker container available too.
I didn’t realise they do tours every Friday at 1pm. I’ll have to visit some time!
I really hope the lawsuits don’t kill the Internet Archive. It’s an important resource.